Promotional Graphics
Promotional Graphics
Promotional Graphics Offered:
Cover Reveal
Pre-order Announcement
Release Announcement
Sale Promotion
Social Media Headers
A+ Content
and more… contact us!
Available Sizes:
Square Graphic (1000×1000) or (1080x1080)
Rectangle Graphic (Facebook) (820×360)
Facebook/Instagram Story (1080x1920)
Website Headers (size varies by platform)
If the client has a specific size preference, just let us know.
$15 per Custom Graphic/Teasers
$15 for Social Media Header (banner)
$20 for Tropes teasers (e.g., arrows or similar “pointing” designs)
$25 for Website Headers
$50 for A+ Content
$55 Countdown (5 days)
$75 for Audiobook Cover
Additional $5 per teaser graphic for "pre-order" or "available now" versions
Changes to completed promotional graphics will incur a $10 per graphic fee. This typically applies in the case of cover changes.
PS: Once purchased, please email with the information, your size of choice of your graphic.